- Demetrius RomeoTrading as ‘Stand & Deliver!’Blog currently resides at: www.patreon.com/demetrius_romeo(Previous ‘retired’ blogs at: www.standanddeliver.blogs.comand: “Record of the Day”)
Putting words, ideas, exhibitions,
documents, creatives and concepts together –
in any and every combination.
Matching songs and comedy to topics a specialty.
Come at me needy, you’ll leave satiated.
Various past works. And books for sale.
In-store and related promotions
Selling isn’t just from behind the counter.
The Covid-19 Songbook
Parodic Paeans to Pandemic Panic
compiled with an essay and notes by me.
Books for sale.Pardon me, is this a book shop?
[Predominantly] secondhand.Contact me for more info/photos if any take your fancy.
Alldramaphilosophyclassicauto and biographypoliticscomicartanthologyfantasythriller suspensehorrorhistorypop culturescience and mathscookingsport and gamestravelillustratedcounter culturesociologymusicchildrenhardcovernewusedscience fictionhistoric fictioncrime espionagepaperbackFilm and TVLoad MoreSanity Clause
Various photos from my seasonal work.(Dedicated to Ben White)
Covid-19 Songbook
Purchase a copy of the songbook here.
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Especially if you need some words and/or graphics, or to get rid of books!
© 2016-2020